
Merry Christmas from Expandasign 2017

Merry Christmas & Thank You!

Merry Christmas and Thank You!

Thank You to our wonderful customers for choosing Expanda Sign to be your supplier for 2016, and an additional Thank You to all those who have referred Expanda Sign to other companies.

We hope you have a well deserved break with family and friends over the holiday period and we look forward to be of service, helping you to source the best quality product for your business in 2017.

We will be taking a short break. Our last day for the year will be Thursday the 22nd December and we will return on Monday 9th of January 2017.

Our Sales Team will still be on hand to process all enquiries and quotes over the break, however any orders received during the break will be processed when we return.

If you require your delivery before Christmas, please get your order in to be processed with artwork approval by 10am – 09 Dec 2016.

Contact us for assistance, or visit to view our extensive range or request a Quote.

About Us

18 Palmetto Street Chevallum, Queensland 4555
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