
Effective Banners & Signs for Your Business | Expandasign

If you’ve already developed the perfect campaign and message for your audience, the next move should concern making sure your strategies are translated into effective marketing material. Knowing some tips and tricks in producing effective signage can give you the edge in reaching your potential customers and clients.

What Banners Are For

Banners are meant to capture audience attention. They’re meant for generating awareness and offering information. This is why it’s important to come up with eye-catching, concise & favourable designs to execute your strategy effectively.

Here are some basic tips to consider in making effective advertisement banners:

Consider Your Theme and Main Idea

Your business presents a solution for customers and your marketing has to translate just that. For instance, if your brand represents surfing materials or kiteboarding as a sport, elements of the ocean could be included. You should also consider the main elements of your brand/ logo or your business signs. They should be reflected onto your banners as well. The long term effect would then be brand retention.

Font Selection & Sizing

It is important to adjust your font size according to the layout of your design. The objective is to make your message or copy readable, while not crowding the space.

The ideal solution is to keep the text to a minimum, clearly stating your message in as few words as possible. This enables to size of the font to be increased making your message readable with even the quickest glance. Examples of this are the common “OPEN” or “SALE” banners however this concept can be applied to products, services and even your business name or tag line. Sometimes it is more effective to split the copy over a number of banners. For example, a mechanic may use one banner for each of the services he provides – Servicing, Air-Conditioning, and Wheel Alignments etc. with his logo and business colours common throughout. Ensure your design is  reader-friendly.

Chosen Graphic Materials

Don’t place images for the purpose of filling a space. Your pictures should reinforce your brand’s theme or promotional campaign. In other words, your chosen image/s should leave an effective impression on your target audience.

Your imagery should also be as clear as possible. This means pixelated images are not recommended as the picture wouldn’t be clear with sharp edges & vivid colours. The trick is to consider the resolution of a file. Images and logos with a higher resolution are favourable.

When creating a banner for your business, it is important to consider your brand and marketing objectives. To get more advice and assistance in creating an effective banner, organise a consultation with Expandasign today.

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